
Insects Planet

Author: Don Samuel

  • 4 Reasons Why Moths Eat Clothes

    4 Reasons Why Moths Eat Clothes

    Do you ever get up in the morning and find that your clothes have been eaten by moths? If so, you’re not alone. Moths love eating clothes, and they can do a lot of damage in a short period of time. But why do moths eat clothes in the first place? Well, in this blog…

  • 10 Ways To Get Rid Of Leaf Cutter Bees?

    10 Ways To Get Rid Of Leaf Cutter Bees?

    Megachilidae also know as mason bees or Leaf cutter bees are solitary insects that use the materials they collect, in this case, (leaves, and soil) to line their nest which they then use to create cells for their eggs. However, they can also be a nuisance to gardeners, as their nesting habits can cause a…

  • Do Leaf Cutter Bees Sting?

    Do Leaf Cutter Bees Sting?

    Leafcutter bees are a fascinating species of bee that is known for their ability to cut leaves into small pieces. This unique behavior allows the leafcutter bee to use the leaves as a nest. However, one question that is often asked about leafcutter bees is whether or not they sting. The short answer is yes,…

  • What Is A Group Of Ladybugs Called?

    What Is A Group Of Ladybugs Called?

    There are over 3,500 different species of ladybugs and most of them can be found in nearly every corner of the plant. When we typically see Ladybugs they are often seen on their own! However, occasionally we may see them in small or large groups, especially when they’re looking for food. In fact, this behaviour…

  • Do Ladybugs Really Eat Ants?

    Do Ladybugs Really Eat Ants?

    Ladybugs (Coccinellidae) are one of the most beneficial insects to gardens and agriculture. Their voracious appetites for aphids and other harmful pests make them a valuable ally in the fight against plant damage. However, one question that, many people ask is do ladybugs eat ants? The short answer is no! Ladybugs mainly feed on aphids…

  • 8 Common Places Where Flies Lay Eggs

    8 Common Places Where Flies Lay Eggs

    Where do flies lay eggs? Flies are one of the most common insects on earth, and they can be found in nearly every corner of the globe. While they come in many different colors and sizes, all flies share one common trait, they lay eggs. When flies lay eggs this can be a cause for…

  • Do Flies Fart? The Truth About Flatulence In Flies!

    Do Flies Fart? The Truth About Flatulence In Flies!

    Do Flies Fart? There’s no doubt that flies are pesky creatures. They seem to be everywhere, and they always seem to be swarming around your food. But did you know that these little critters can also produce some pretty rank smells? Most people are familiar with the sights and smells of flatulence, but they may…

  • Do Flies Need To Sleep? Let’s Find Out!

    Do Flies Need To Sleep? Let’s Find Out!

    Flies are one of the most common insects on the planet, and they are known for their frenzied movements and their love of filth. They are found all over the world and can survive in a variety of habitats. However, many people want to know if flies actually sleep? Some believe that flies do not…